Sunday, December 03, 2006

The journey continues

Now, in December, both Rainer and me are back on the boat. It has been launched again, we sailed the short trip to Cadiz and 2 days later to Sancti Petri.

Here we are lying at a mooring in the mouth of a river and sleeping in real beds in the house of some friends of ours, Ika and Fred.

We are preparing for the trip to Africa.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jochen and Rainer.
I kind of envy you going south at see. But I wouldn't dare myself.
It has been a great journey so far. I can tell by reading your blog. Carry on the good spirit. I will wisit your blog from time to time.
With love Ole

06 December, 2006 21:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

I just wanted to let you know that I often think of both of you and strongly miss the nice time in Paludan Müllers Vej...Buon vento, Vittorio

08 December, 2006 11:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Rainer und Jochen, also das mit den 5 m hohen Wellen hättet ihr mir schenken können!

Passt gut auf euch auf! Steffen und ich wünschen euch ein schönes Weihnachtsfest (noch/wieder auf dem Festland?) und einen guten Rutsch in das neue Jahr.

Med kærlig hilsen,
Steffen og Birgit

19 December, 2006 13:42  

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